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Stord International in the Seafood Processing Industry

Stord International in the Seafood Processing Industry

Fish twin screw press
The Stord Twin Screw Press in the Fishmeal and Alginate Industry.

In 2018 our clients in Peru and Norway received our new Stord fish meal press. In today's era of increased focus on fuel efficiency and renewable energy, we focus on delivering the most cost efficient ways for separation of liquids from processed seafood.

The Stord Twin Screw Presses are the best machines available on the market. Nominal capacities ranging from 2.5 to 60 tons of raw material per hour; under certain conditions even higher capacities are obtainable.Continuous product development, adapting the design to changing requirements and process conditions, has kept Stord presses as the top choice for the seafood processing industry.

Read more about our Twin screw fish presses in our brochure: The Original Twin Screw Press for the Seafood Processing Industries

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